Student’s Credo

I recognize that I am a professional student.  That means that I will earn the grades for the courses in which I am enrolled.  As a professional student I understand that

    1. I must successfully pass prerequisite courses in order to prepare for the work in sequential ones. Any incomplete grades will be made up in a timely manner.
    2. I must attend my classes regularly, understanding that I am only allowed two weeks of absences before I may be dropped from any course.
    3. I must come to class on time as my punctuality reflects on my seriousness of purpose. I will help to keep the classroom a clean learning environment and will take all my stuff with me when I leave.
    4. I must come to class prepared to work. I will bring with me the appropriate equipment and materials necessary for my active and engaged participation in the educational process.
    5. I must hand in all assignments on time and I will make sure that they represent my best work.
    6. I must let my instructors know when there is something I do not understand, either from what goes on in class or from the homework.
    7. I must prepare for examinations by studying sufficiently far in advance that I do not need to cram at the last minute.
    8. I must take organized and complete notes from both classroom lectures and homework readings. I understand that all learning is cumulative. I will also check my email regularly for any or all messages from my instructor or the college.
    9. I must stay current. If I am absent from class I will contact one of my fellow students to find out what I have missed.
    10. I must remember that I will only get out of the course what I put into it. As an adult I am responsible for me and my own academic success.